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Like many others, you probably questioned why I named my site and business “The Upward Blip.” You have probably seen the name and thought, “Did they make this up on a whim? I don’t get it!”
So here it goes… The story behind the name and an in-depth explanation of it all…

“The Upward Blip? What exactly does that mean? That sounds so cheesy! Are they writing about stocks and bonds? Whoever thought of that name?“
The Story Behind the Name of The Upward Blip
The website’s name is a play on the phrase “upward blip.” The expression is commonly used to describe a brief progress or a bright spot in an otherwise negative situation.
As the sole proprietor and founder, I am responsible for the name. Since the second half of 2004, immediately following the successful completion of my medical technology qualifying examination, I have worked as a medical laboratory scientist in a hospital. Even before that, I interned at the university hospital, where I attended classes.
When I think about it, that is roughly half of my entire life. That is, in fact, the determining factor for the name. It’s common to hear the bleeping sound in a hospital setting. That bleeping sound represents hope to me. A hopeful expectation that, despite the difficulties, everything will be fine as long as the bleep continues.
So one dry South Dakota mid-summer, The Upward Blip was born.
I believe this business will continue to thrive with hard work and commitment. I will stop at nothing to give you the satisfaction you deserve. Please help me make this a thriving business and allow me to see an upward trend consistently.
Let me forge ahead with that upward blip…
Talk to you soon,

How about you? What’s your story?
Are you planning to start a business or a website too?
Please leave me a comment below or email me at I would love to know!
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