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Inside: Get a free printable checklist of what to pack in your toddler’s diaper bag. Never leave home without these toddler diaper bag essentials!
Packing essentials in a diaper bag for a toddler is a little different than packing a diaper bag for a newborn.
Toddlers don’t need as much stuff as newborns, but they will need things to cater to their more active lifestyle.
Let’s face it: With all the exploring our little ones do, the best and most practical way to keep up is to be prepared with all the necessities packed in a diaper bag.
Learn how and what to pack for a toddler by reading on!
“With toddlers around, times are always interesting.”
~ Beth Ann Fennelly
Key takeaways
- Knowing how to pack a diaper bag for a toddler can be a real lifesaver.
- A toddler’s diaper bag should contain all the necessary items to support their life of vim and vigor.
- Don’t forget to download the essential checklist of items to pack in your toddler’s diaper bag for free!
- Learn more about Diaper Bags for Toddlers
- How to Pack a Diaper Bag for a Toddler
- What do you need in a Toddler Diaper Bag?
- Nice-to-Have in a Toddler Diaper Bag
- Printable Checklist of Toddler Diaper Bag Essentials
- Conclusion to the Toddler Diaper Bag Essentials
- What important items do you pack in your Toddler Diaper Bag?
Learn more about Diaper Bags for Toddlers
Why do you need a diaper bag for a toddler?
A diaper bag is an essential tool for effortlessly transporting all of your toddler’s necessities. This indispensable accessory can accommodate everything you need in one convenient place.
What is the best diaper bag for a toddler?
The best diaper bag for a toddler should be durable and functional, with tons of storage space that will fit the demanding schedule of an active little one.
How do you choose the best diaper bag?
There are many different types of diaper bags on the market today, so it can be difficult to know (especially for a new mom) which one is right for you. You can go the messenger bag route or the tote-style route, but the backpack is what I recommend the most.
Carrying your toddler’s essentials around should be a breeze, and a backpack diaper bag is most suitable for that function.
Here are some things you should look for when choosing a backpack diaper bag:
- Comfortability—you don’t want your hands or back to hurt from carrying heavy bags all day long!
- Functional Features—think of something you can’t live without in a diaper bag. It can be storage spaces, pockets, or maybe extra security measures.
✔️: This is the specific diaper bag most of our readers and I love!
It has many functional features that can help with the day-to-day bustle of being a parent to a toddler. This best-seller is available in various colors and has received numerous 5-star reviews.
If you can get it for less than $45, go for it! That’s a fantastic price for a good diaper bag. (Check out the current price, color options, and reviews here.)
How to Pack a Diaper Bag for a Toddler
- Pack the most important ones first. I consider underwear (or diapers), wipes, a change of clothes, snacks, and drinks the most essential.
- When packing food, think of travel-safe snacks like cereal, granola bars, trail mix, fruit chips, snack pouches, fresh fruits, and tortilla wraps.
- Drinks should be safe for travel as well. Water is the best way to hydrate your little ones while they are away from home.
- Bring some comfort items for your toddler. Pack his favorite toy, a stuffed animal, or his lovey, and assemble a toddler busy bag beforehand.
- Think of cleanliness at all times. Never forget to bring a pack of antibacterial hand wipes or a travel-size sanitizer.
- Always pack weather-appropriate accessories.
- Remember to organize your toddler diaper bag for easy access.
Free Download: Your Helpful Checklist of Toddler Diaper Bag Necessities
What do you need in a Toddler Diaper Bag?
A diaper bag is essential for any parent with a baby or toddler. It ensures that all of your child’s essentials are easily accessible, eliminating the need for them to rummage through your purse in search of something.
Consider multiple compartments and pockets for a diaper bag to help keep your toddler’s must-haves organized and within reach, making outings much more manageable.
With that in mind, here’s a list of what to pack in a diaper bag for a toddler. I hope these essentials will come in handy in more ways than one.
1. Underwear (or diapers)
Depending on whether your toddler is fully trained or on his way to being potty-trained, pack enough diapers or underwear to last the day (or the whole trip).
You must think ahead and expect setbacks at all times.
I usually pack twice the amount whenever my toddlers and I go out, even for just a day, to be sure. It’s better to be prepared.
For my little girl, I always make sure to bring extra diapers. I pack the usual Pampers Swaddlers in her size. Don’t worry about packing too much. Spare diapers are better than no diapers at all.
My little boy is potty-trained, so I pack an extra pair of underwear or two in case of accidents. This is the training underwear we use.
✔️: If you are potty-training your toddler as we speak, this adorable toilet-training chart from my Etsy shop can make it a fun experience for your baby. It’s available as an instant download! Just print and frame!
2. Baby wipes
Bringing more wipes than usual is more convenient, especially if you can’t predict how long your trip will go. Take an extra package of wipes just in case.
PRO TIP: A diaper cream will come in handy to prevent diaper rash.
3. Changing pad
It is always nice to have a changing pad ready for all the diaper changes, especially when you are out and about.
There are two reasons to always have a changing pad available:
- The cleanliness of those public diaper changing tables can never be trusted. (and)
- When you are on the road, you have no other place to change your little one’s dirty diapers but in your car.
Nevertheless, don’t bother bringing a changing pad if your toddler is fully potty-trained.
4. Hand sanitizer or Antibacterial hand wipes
This goes without saying, as we need to reduce the spread of bacteria whenever possible.
Those little goobers are messy little people and won’t mind eating dirt if we let them! (Yikes!)
Related article about toddlers: Indoor Activities for Toddlers [When it is Too Hot Outside]
5. Tissue or boogie wipes
Do you notice how snotty those busy little ones are? I mean, literally?! That is why it is always a good idea to bring some tissues!
6. Lots of snacks
With constant movement and interaction, those little kids can burn more calories than adults.
So don’t forget to bring lots of healthy snacks for them to munch on.
For a little boost of energy, here are a few snack options you can bring:
- string cheese
- granola bars
- cereal (Cheerios)
- applesauce
- apple slices
- trail mix
- crackers
- dried fruit packs
7. Drinks and a sippy cup
Keep the drinks close by. Pack an extra water bottle. Fill the sippy cups with their favorite beverages. Hydrate your busy little one as much as possible.
✔️: If your toddler is still breastfed and needs to be fed while you are out and about, a nursing cover or swaddle blanket can offer discretion and privacy while breastfeeding in public. Just make sure the material of your covers provides complete coverage and allows for adequate airflow for your child.
8. Bibs or a burp cloth
Let’s admit it! Toddlers can be really sloppy, especially when they are eating.
A bib can protect your toddler’s clothing from spilled food or drinks, so bring a few extras.
These bandana bibs right here are made of organic cotton. They are so adorable! They’re fashionable, absorbent, and oh-so-soft too.
9. Favorite toy and book
Another essential to pack in your toddler’s diaper bag is his favorite toy—a small toy is preferred—or a book. They never fail to save the day when all else fails.
Always have one of each in tow to prevent a temper tantrum.
10. Change of clothes
It won’t be a surprise if your toddler is drenched in sweat (or any form of liquid whatsoever). Jeez!
A change of clothes will surely be a nice preparatory measure. So don’t forget to pack extra clothes for them.
11. Hat or cap (weather-dependent)
Prepare a hat compatible with the weather.
A beanie will be ideal for the cold weather. A sun hat or a ball cap will work best throughout the summer.
Related article about toddlers: Daily Toddler Schedule (Free Sample Routine)
12. Umbrella
We can’t control the weather. Mother Nature has ever-changing moods.
It can be hot one morning, then rainy the next.
Keeping that in mind, there’s no harm in being ready for whatever.
13. Sunscreen
Protect your kiddo from the harmful rays of the sun with an effective sunscreen, especially if they are in the water or sweating a lot.
Studies have shown that it only takes a few blistering childhood sunburns to increase a person’s chances of developing any form of skin cancer later in life.
This sunscreen spray with a twist-and-lock cap is what we use. While it is true that it is hypoallergenic and will not get into your toddler’s eyes, I also appreciate how water-resistant and virtually invisible it is. So I’m confident that my little ones won’t rub them off. These are all besides the fact that it has an SPF of 100.
You can also check out this sunscreen stick if you like.
14. Insect repellent (weather-dependent)
You and I can both attest that specific bugs appear in certain seasons.
Bugs like ants, flies, ticks, and mosquitoes are just a few that appear in the warmer months.
In addition, fleas start surfacing in the colder months.
Always keep these in mind so that you are reminded to bring a high-quality insect repellent to protect your child from any insects that may harm them.
15. Wet bag or plastic bag
Accidents happen. He can either slip and fall in a puddle or spill his drink on his lap. You never know!
A wet bag is your best option to keep your toddler’s dirty clothes in. You can also use disposable plastic bags for these.
Think of all the possibilities. After all, it is better to be safe than sorry.
16. Toddler Busy Bag
Keep your busy bag versatile and irresistible so that your toddler can’t say no to it. Think of colors and textures to satisfy their curiosity.
This toddler busy bag is the perfect travel toy for your toddler. It will keep your little one occupied for hours.
Aside from the fact that it is educational, it is also so much fun!
17. First aid kit
You never know what will happen with a super-busy toddler while playing at the park. So, pack a small first aid kit in your toddler diaper bag for on-the-go treatment for cuts and scrapes.
Nice-to-Have in a Toddler Diaper Bag
Lastly, you might want to insert a list of common personal contact information in one of the pockets of the diaper bag.
Include simple yet paramount details like your name and your toddler’s name on the sheet, plus a phone number people can contact in case of emergencies.
You never know when something unpleasant or dangerous will strike. It is way better to be prepared than to be scared.
Although this is a personal preference because of security issues, I still strongly recommend that you consider it.
Printable Checklist of Toddler Diaper Bag Essentials
“Mom brain” exists, and science backs it up! It is not a made-up explanation for the mental fog that mothers experience after childbirth.
That being said, here’s a free printable template to assist you in packing your toddler’s diaper bag!
Conclusion to the Toddler Diaper Bag Essentials
Remember that a toddler bag must be chock-full of all the basic diaper bag essentials. It should include everything your little one needs to stay clean and comfortable while out and about.
A diaper bag should also be lightweight and organized, so you don`t forget anything important when you rush out the door.
Investing in a diaper backpack with lots of pockets and functional storage is a good idea. The best part? You get to keep your cell phone, lip balm, and wallet in your toddler’s diaper bag if you don’t want to carry a purse.
Now I know that some parents prefer a car seat organizer, and they just fill it up before leaving.
However, because of the ever-changing weather, I prefer having both for convenience. Keep in mind that when it is too cold or hot outside, it is never wise to leave anything that can easily spoil.
There you go, Mama! I hope these handy tips will apply to your family’s needs. Remember that a well-stocked diaper bag will provide you peace of mind while on the move.
Talk to you again soon,
What important items do you pack in your Toddler Diaper Bag?
Do you have a list of the best diaper bag essentials for a toddler? Leave them in the comment section below, and please don’t forget to share this toddler diaper bag checklist with your friends as well!
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