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Yes… I was absolutely one of those moms who planned for a huge party and googled uniquely cute first birthday party ideas and themes for girls months before my baby girl‘s first birthday.
She turned 1 unbelievably fast!
However, I did not end up throwing her the big birthday party I was planning for. Instead, I wrote her a letter and prepared an intimate birthday dinner. Simple but very memorable (Though not for her as she won’t even remember it. It was mostly for mommy!)
I would like to think that I didn’t regret not throwing her a party, but there are days when I think of the what-ifs.
“What if I had thrown that birthday party? Would it be possible for her to remember how it went? What if?”
Well… I guess I will know when she’s a little older to express herself.

“No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you’re the only one who knows the sound of my heart from the inside.”
~ Kristen Proby
Oh, Momma! I don’t want you to feel what I am feeling right now. I must be honest. It’s a tad bit distracting!
With that being said, I went ahead and gathered first birthday party ideas for girls you can check out. You can seriously do one of these with or without a budget.

First Birthday Party Ideas for Girls
Celebrate your little girl’s first year in style with these 5 first birthday party ideas for girls.
1. Unicorn Birthday Party
Unicorns are mythical beings in the form of a white horse with a horn. They symbolize innocence and magic. Thus, having a Unicorn-themed birthday is best for your little girl. You can find awesome unicorn decorations and party supplies here.

2. Woodland Fairy Birthday Party
A woodland fairy birthday party is not as popular as the first, but it is just as magical. My college best friend’s little girl is turning 1 in a few days and I am trying to help her pick out a gorgeous Woodland Fairy cake.
Unfortunately, as I have mentioned, it is not that popular yet so options are limited. Do you know someone who bakes beautiful and tasty cakes? Tell me about it in the comment section below.
3. Mermaid Birthday Party
When we talk about a mermaid-themed party, we think of shells, sand, and anything involving the ocean, right? All I can envision is Ariel of the Little Mermaid.
I found this really cute mermaid birthday party from Sugar, Spice and Glitter and it intrigued me as it was budget-friendly too. Check it out yourself and let me know what you think.

4. Princess Birthday Party
A princess-themed birthday party is absolutely big everywhere. It is definitely a classic. You can find this party theme from the home of Princesses… Disney!
5. Butterfly Birthday Party
Another enchanting first birthday party idea is the butterfly birthday party theme. Butterflies symbolize hope and life. Thus, fitting for a first birthday party.
Other cultures view butterflies as a representation of our souls. I would love to throw a Butterfly-themed birthday party even if it is not for a 1-year old someday.
My Final Thoughts on First Birthday Ideas for Girls
Though there are a lot of ideas out there, what is important is your child. After all, what matters is her comfort and her well-being.
You can always scratch the idea of throwing her a big birthday party. Celebrate with just the immediate family like how we did it. Let her feel that tender loving care. It’s really all up to you.
I am not sure if my little girl will remember her first birthday celebration. However, what convinced me that she enjoyed it was the happiness I vividly remember seeing in her eyes.
At the end of the day, that is all that matters.
A Letter to my Daughter for her First Birthday

As an older mother, I went through a lot of difficulties while being pregnant with you, eating only crackers and drinking only tea the first three months you were in my womb. I tried hard to eat healthy, but every time I did, nausea kicked in.
Crying and worrying about how you were doing was the only thing I could think of as I was sick most of the time. I never wanted to take any medication imagining it would have a bad effect on you.
I went through all that and never once complained because I kept hearing that was a good sign. They said it only meant you were growing perfectly well in mommy’s tummy.
Every time I paid my doctor a visit and she asked me to have a scan done, it always made me nervous just thinking of how you would look and be elated upon knowing how good you were growing.
I kept each one of your sonograms and doted on them every chance I got while waiting for your very exciting arrival.
The Day of her Birth
The special day finally came and you graced the world (via C-section) with your breathtaking beauty. I was once again the happiest person on earth (Your older brother made mommy the happiest person on earth as well!).
“Her eyes are just dark, they’re almost black”, is the constant commentary I get from people who have seen you.
They never fail to let me know how gorgeous they think you are and that has always made me feel proud. Yes, you have your daddy’s nose, but every part of you screams “mom”. (You look a lot like me! I wish you see that too!)
Her First Birthday Celebration
We recently celebrated your first birthday. It was just an intimate dinner with your grandparents and the four of us (you, your dad, your older brother, and I).
Mommy tried hard to prepare some good dishes. You were in your highchair so bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, eager to taste that homemade angel cake your Grandma baked for you. You managed to sneak a handful of it and swiftly put it in your mouth. Foreign as it was (for you), you wrinkled your nose and shivered at the taste of it. I could still remember how everyone laughed when you did that.
After dinner, we went to the living area and you got excited upon seeing so many boxes just from your “Mama” (Grandma) alone. You tore off their wrappers as if you had been doing it all your life, never really bothering to check what were in them. You enjoyed the sound of the wrapper more than the contents of the boxes.
By that time, I could see your eyelids were starting to droop and you were getting drowsy, but you didn’t mind as you were having the time of your life. Everyone was all-smiles just looking at you. Oh, what a night of joy!
How Mommy feels about her existence
You are adored, my little girl. I am over the moon every day with your very existence. Nothing will ever change that. You and your brother are my world, chasing all my stress away. You make my life all the brighter, all the more fulfilling, and all the more rewarding.
I may have the most hectic days, but never will I forget to spend quality time with you. Mommy will do anything in her power to give you everything your heart desires (as long as it is a desire driven by kindness, honesty, and integrity).
Happy first birthday, Little Miss! Please don’t grow up too fast, my sweet little angel. I love you more than you will ever know forever and always.

Do you have any first birthday party theme suggestions? Leave me a comment if you do. I will really appreciate it. Thanks, Mama!
First Birthday Ideas for Girls and a Birthday Letter for my Little Girl

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